You Won, Trumpniks. Get Over It.


A few days ago, I saw this Facebook post from a right-wing troll site – I think it was “The Federalist Papers” – saying, “Notice how GUNS have stolen the attention from Clinton/Obama rigging the election?”

It raises another question in turn: Notice how Trumpniks want to complain about an election they won when the consequences of their vote start to bite them in the ass?

Last week, Viceroy Trump did at least two things to tweak his conservative backers. In another bipartisan conference with Republican and Democratic politicians, this time over gun violence, Trump once again went off script. Not only did he entertain gun legislation that Republicans have done their best to stop, he went that much further than Dianne Feinstein, saying that legal process in the case of the Florida shooter would have taken too long. “Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.

Conservatives warned me, if I didn’t vote for Trump, the government would try to take away our guns. And they were right!

And then at the end of the week, Trump announced (without conferring with most of his cabinet) that he was enacting tariffs of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum. Well, that is certainly the strategy of a stable genius. After all, one wouldn’t otherwise disregard the advice of the entire financial community and one’s own party if he were a raging ignoramus with the attention span of a squirrel on meth, would he?

There is some rationale for a protectionist policy, given that we have a national security interest in rebuilding the domestic steel industry – China is our main supplier, but they may not remain friendly to us. Moreover, Trump knows he got elected largely because of blue-collar steel country, and he knows his party has suddenly become very vulnerable in the Pennsylvania special election. But would Trump endanger so much on the large scale just to prop up support among a small part of the base? Well, it’s what he’s done so far. It’s of a piece with arming teachers, or supporting health insurance policies that cross state lines; some of his ideas seem both unconventional and reasonable, but it quickly becomes clear that he hasn’t thought through the implications of his words, and he’s just casting about to see what people want to hear.

In any case, Trump did such a bad job of reading the room that his own people are going against him. On Monday, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said, “We are extremely worried about the consequences of a trade war and are urging the White House to not advance with this plan,” a spokeswoman for Mr. Ryan said in a statement. “The new tax reform law has boosted the economy and we certainly don’t want to jeopardize those gains.” Meanwhile, Trump’s sudden anti-gun posture, blaming video games for our violent culture, is even alienating some of the alt-right “Gamergate” types who were the first to support him. A Vox article shows the responses on a Reddit board:  “I don’t even know what the fuck he’s even doing at this point.” “Obvious conservative virtue signaling… Also a reminder that the enemy of your enemy is NOT your friend.”

Well, I coulda told you that.

Wow, Trumpniks. It’s almost as if whoring yourselves out to the most disgusting creature imaginable just to get the White House back wasn’t such a bargain after all.

This is what happens when you sleep with grunting pigs in the midden. You wake up with fecal matter and trichinosis.

Oh, if only somebody had warned you. And by somebody, I mean GODDAMN FUCKING EVERYBODY.

It gets to how, over and over again, I have pondered why Trump would keep saying “we’re going to build a wall, and Mexico is gonna pay for it”, and people would actually believe him. Now he’s willing to hold up a budget because we won’t pay Mexico’s bill on border security, and the cult still believes it. And I realized that belief isn’t really the point here. It’s telling people a lie that makes them feel better. It doesn’t matter if it can actually be achieved. The goal is the myth (as Mussolini would put it). It’s gotten to where it’s a “greatest hits” moment at Trump rallies, a call and response where Trump goes “we’re gonna build a wall, and…” the audience yells “MEXICO WILL PAY FOR IT!”

The call and response should really be:

“I’m going to fuck you up the ass, and…”
“Better believe it.”

All they want to do is vent. They support a certain party in power because it tells them what they want to hear, and because they want to be on the side that’s winning, even if that party is fucking them up the ass. After all, that’s what they expect government to do anyway, but at least they’re getting fucked by their “team.”

This is the problem with the Rod Drehers and Pat Buchanans of the world who cluck that the world is going to Hell (perhaps literally) because no one practices religion, morals and discipline, but think the country should be run by the most worldly, immoral and downright LAZY politician in our history. Hey guys: Unlike you, I like Andrew Dice Clay. As a comedian. But unlike you, I don’t think he should be the president.

The other aspect of this, and here I think Rod Dreher would agree with me, is that we worship government as God, or more specifically we put government in the same place in the social order that we had placed God before the Age of Enlightenment. But this is why the conservative model of government is doomed to fail. That model is that the moral arbiters of American life will take control of government and guide the people to righteousness. What happens (especially now) is that a certain unscrupulous faction will take over government, and because the moral arbiters worship government as government, they mold their morality to the people in power rather than the other way around.

It would seem, given the secularism of the Left and the outright deification of the State by Leninists, that state-worship is a Left problem that only the Right opposes, but it may be that the worship of government as God – or the representation of God on Earth – is the conservative goal. After all, the common point separating government before the Enlightenment from government afterward is the concept of separating church and state. The union of Church and State was the pre-liberal standard of government. It goes back to a concept commonly expressed in Latin: Cuius regio, eius religio (whose region, his religion).  When a ruler chose to convert to Christianity (or convert to Protestantism), his kingdom officially followed suit. It was by this principle that missionaries did more than soldiers to convert the barbarians of Europe in the Dark Ages, but it was also by this principle that Europe had the Thirty Years War and most of its bloodletting before the French Revolution. Whereas the opposite principle, the separation of church and state, is the reason that Jews and Muslims, Catholics and Protestants are able to coexist in New York City (and other American communities) without killing each other. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that this principle is why Americans are generally more religious than modern Europeans, because in our tradition, religion is a matter of conscience, not a chore or a political affiliation.

If Americans treat government as God, then libertarians are government-atheist, or at the most accommodating, government-skeptic. By this analogy, that would make Democrats government-Catholic and Republicans government-Torquemada.

As far as where all this is going, and what it means for the Republican Party to turn itself into the Party of Trump, I direct the reader to a must-see article in The New Yorker about former MI6 spy and current intelligence analyst for hire Christopher Steele. There is much that has already been said with regard to Steele, Paul Manafort and other aspects of the overall Trump investigation. But in the article, there are points to emphasize:

Steele had not started investigating Trump solely because the Clinton campaign hired him. Some of his investigations were years prior, including the corruption investigations against FIFA (the international soccer association). There was a suspicion that Russia had won its World Cup bid due to bribes, and it turned out that one of the figures being indicted for this (by the US Justice Department) was Chuck Blazer, a FIFA official who had a high-class apartment in Trump Tower. After this, the FBI hired Steele’s company to help investigate a money-laundering ring being run by a Russian national out of Trump Tower. And in 2016, Steele’s company was first hired to get opposition research on Trump by Paul Singer, an anti-Trump Republican who gave up the project once Trump secured the Republican nomination. It was only after that point that Fusion GPS, a company hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign, took up the investigation and asked Steele to collaborate. It was only after Steele compiled the information in “the dossier” that he started to agitate for his contacts to work against Trump. Far from trying to conjure a narrative out of coincidental facts, Steele almost didn’t see the big picture because it didn’t occur to him.

While some of the more credible Trump-friendly experts, like Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham, or writer David Garrow, had cause to question Christopher Steele’s motives, a former National Security Council employee told The New Yorker that “if Steele had not shared his findings (with the FBI), he might have been accused of dereliction or a coverup.” Contrary to the positions of (say) Devin Nunes, Steele and Fusion did not actually tell the Clinton campaign that Steele had gone to the FBI. A top Clinton-campaign person told the reporter, “If I’d known the F.B.I. was investigating Trump, I would have been shouting it from the rooftops!”

And on that score, the Barack Obama Administration, which obviously supported Clinton, was at pains to avoid tipping the scale, mainly because of the Hatch Act which forbids government employees to use their position to influence coming elections. But it was also because Trump and the Republicans had heated up the public discussion and introduced the idea that the election would be illegitimate if he lost, even if it were due to opposition research. By August 2016, the Administration had already been informed by the CIA that Vladimir Putin was interfering in the election on behalf of Trump. In early September, Obama tried to get leaders of both parties to issue a bipartisan statement against Russia’s meddling. “He reasoned that if both parties signed on the statement couldn’t be attacked as political.” By this time Congressional leaders had also been informed of the intelligence. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign on to the statement. Without that bipartisan endorsement, Obama said nothing about what he knew before the election.

So no matter how much Trump whines that Obama never did anything about Russia, that is the reason why he didn’t. And both Trump and McConnell know this.

One does not do so much to cover up evidence when there’s nothing to cover up. After all, Hillary Clinton proved to be famously inept at concealing information, and yet a Republican-controlled Congress found it impossible to confirm criminal action when she was Secretary of State during the Benghazi disaster. The fact that the same Congress is going to such lengths to stop any investigation of Donald Trump’s Russia connection, or possibly related matters, like his tax returns, means that they have cause to suspect they know much more is going on. And the issue thus becomes less the Trump family’s culpability than the Republican Party’s culpability. If it seems odd that such an avowedly patriotic party would go so far against the government to defend a leader who is associated with both the Russians and organized crime in general, it’s because their whole concept of “patriotism” is based on Führerprinzip and an authoritarian, anti-liberal principle of government. And if someone presented the most blatant, lid-tight legal case that their Dear Leader was compromised by an even more crooked Russian autocrat, they would probably love him more, because he represents their inner spirit more than liberalism, libertarianism or the political “establishment.”

I am a bit tired of going over the obvious with how screwed up modern conservatism is, but if my theory is correct, the whole system is dysfunctional. Certainly, Democrats are not as crazed and power-hungry as Republicans, but then they haven’t been in the wilderness as long, and moreover, they are still under the impression that the system is built on their political premises.

And in this regard, I would like to make a request.

This Saturday in Las Vegas, I attended the Libertarian Party of Nevada convention for 2018, where we nominated candidates for Senate and US Congress. It was a good event. I think we had enough people to fill a punk rock bar this year. Anyway, the spokesman went over party activity for the previous year and noted that we have reached a point in membership where we are just 28 registered voters short of 1 percent of state voter rolls, where 1 percent would automatically qualify us for ballot access in the next election.

So if you are one of the maybe five people who read this blog, I ask you to consider registering as a Libertarian. I consider this a valid goal in itself, but there is also a practical consideration. If you are to the right of Hillary Clinton, you are going to need a political party to represent your positions in the next few elections, given that the current “official” right-wing party is in danger of having most of its leadership indicted for obstruction of justice.

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